Funding Opportunity for an Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative
The Department of Health (DOH) has posted a Request for Applications (RFA) for an Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative for Underserved Communities. This RFA seeks to provide support to a target population of caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias (AD/D), comprising members of underserved communities.
It is anticipated that $1.5 million per year will be available to fund up to fifteen (15) entities across the state over a five-year period to provide a wide range of caregiver support and respite services. Each successful applicant will be awarded up to $100,000 per year through a five (5) year contract with DOH.
On page 4 of the RFA, the project goals are outlined which include: 1.To fund innovative models to reach caregivers of individuals with AD/D, either or both of whom are members of underserved communities: 2. Long term objectives include development and sustainability of support services; 3. Improved coordination of and access to new and existing support services; 4. Expansion and enhancement of, and access to, respite services; 5. Improved health and well-being of caregivers and individuals with AD/D; and 6. Continued community residence and delayed institutionalization of individuals diagnosed with AD/D. Examples of members of underserved communities are provided that could include individuals with several characteristics, such as geographic isolation, English as a second language, cultural isolation and others.
On page 6, it describes the required services to be provided by the applicant. They include, intensive outreach efforts, intake assessments and referrals, and implementing caregiver support services.
On page 7, eligible applicants are defined as a community not-for-profit organizations, government agencies, or established partnerships of two or more of these types of organizations; however, one organization must be designated as the lead organization and applicant. Applicants should have a demonstrated capacity to serve individuals with AD/D and their caregivers, either or both of whom are members of the proposed underserved community.
Questions about the RFA - Prospective applicants are encouraged to submit questions, they are due by Nov. 25, 2015.
Letters of Interest - Applicants are encouraged to complete and submit a Letter of Interest (LOIs), due by Nov. 30, 2015.
Responses to Questions - The answers to questions will be posted by DOH on Dec. 7, 2015.
Application Due - The application is due by 6:00 p.m.. on Jan. 12, 2016.
Contact: Cheryl Udell,, 518-867-8871