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Community- Based Services

Community- Based Services

FAQs Posted on the NORC/Neighborhood NORC RFA

NYSOFA has posted 33 pages of Frequently Asked Questions on the NORC/Neighborhood NORC RFA.

January 31, 2017

Community- Based Services

NORC RFA is Posted

An RFA application webinar is available to review. The webinar highlights resources that are available to assist with the application process.

December 27, 2016

Community- Based Services

ACCESS TO HOME Program Funding Available

Funding is available to provide grants for making homes accessible.

July 5, 2016

Community- Based Services

President Signs Older Americans Act into Law

President Obama signed into law the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA), which expired in 2011.

April 26, 2016

Community- Based Services

Grant Program Targets Public Transportation Healthcare Access

Federal Transit Administration to award $5.3M in funding to foster local partnerships between health, transportation, home and community-based and other service sectors.   

April 12, 2016

Community- Based Services

More Nonprofit Infrastructure Capital Investment Grant Q&As Posted

An additional webinar is scheduled for Jan. 13th  from 10:30-12:00.

January 12, 2016

Community- Based Services

Eligibility Criteria Expanded for Non-Profit Infrastructure Capital Grants

Eligibility criteria have been modified to narrow the list of excluded provider types.  Nonprofit organizations that are (or were) eligible for HEAL, Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP), or DSRIP funds are now eligible to apply, provided that they have not received HEAL funds, will not be receiving CRFP funds, and are not lead providers in a DSRIP Performing Provider System.

November 23, 2015

Community- Based Services

Funding Opportunity for an Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative

DOH has posted a Request for Applications (RFA) for an Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Initiative which is designed to provide support to a target population of caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

November 16, 2015

Community- Based Services

Governor Cuomo Announces $50 Million for Non-Profit Infrastructure Grants

Funds are available for "human services organizations."  Senior housing providers appear to be eligible.  Eligibility of long-term post-acute care and senior services providers is unclear.

October 31, 2015

Community- Based Services

Creation of the NYS Office of Community Living

The NYS Office for the Aging is seeking public input on the development of a new Office of Community Living.

September 15, 2015
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