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DOH Activates 2023 CHHA/LTHHCP Statistical Report and 2023 Hospice Cost and Utilization Report

(Jan. 21, 2025) The Department of Health (DOH) posted a Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) (DHCBS 25-01) on Jan. 3rd activating the 2023 Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA)/Long Term Home Health Care Program (LTHHCP) Statistical Report and the 2023 Hospice Cost and Utilization Report. The reports will be activated and available for completion from this date through Feb. 28, 2025. 

These reports are used to collect qualitative and quantitative information used to make policy decisions regarding the home care and hospice industry. With the constant changes occurring in the health care delivery system and the increased emphasis and reliance on the availability of home and community-based services, the availability of complete and accurate data is increasingly important. 

All CHHAs, LTHHCPs, and Hospices are required to complete and submit their 2023 report. Failure to submit all required information in the appropriate format will subject the agency to an enforcement action under Section 12 of the Public Health Law (PHL) resulting in the agency being liable for civil penalties of violations of Article 36 (for CHHAs and LTHHCPs) or Article 40 (for Hospices) of the PHL and NYS Medical Facilities Code.

Administrators should be aware that DOH’s ability to make an affirmative statement to the agency’s character and competence will be negatively impacted if an enforcement action for failure to submit is pursued. Furthermore, any certificate of need applications currently in process for CHHAs and Hospices determined to be delinquent for this submission will not be processed. CHHAs and Hospices are strongly encouraged to enter and submit data as early as possible. CHHAs and Hospices that wait until the last week to enter data may encounter extended system delays and wait times for support due to limited system and personnel resources. Attached to the DAL are instructions for completing and submitting the Statistical Report.​​​​​​​

Please send questions and requests for assistance to HCStatRpts@health.ny.gov.

Contact: Meg Everett, meverett@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871