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DOH issues initial pediatric CHHA rates -

DOH issues initial pediatric CHHA rates -

DOH has posted to HCS the initial 2013 fee-for-service Medicaid rates for pediatric patients under the age of 18 and for a pilot program serving a special needs population of medically complex, fragile children, adolescents and young disabled adults in a Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA). All other CHHA services are reimbursed through the 60-day episodic payment system that started in May 2012.

Accompanying the rates is a Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) highlighting a zero percent trend factor for 2013 and a three percent rate increase for improving recruitment and retention of non-supervisory home care services workers with direct patient care responsibility. There is also a 4.7 percent add-on adjustment for recruitment, training and retention. 

The DAL provides information on the regional ceilings, administrative and general cap, rate hotline process, revisions to the 2011 annual cost report and the appeals process.