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2014 Final CHHA Pediatric Rates

The Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) that was posted to the Health Commerce System (HCS) reflects the final 2014 hotline rates for pediatric patients for the period of January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014. The rates will be used to reimburse claims for patients under 18 years of age, and for patients served by a pilot program which provides services to a special needs population of medically complex and fragile children, adolescents and young adults. All other CHHA cases are reimbursed on the 60-day episodic payment system.

Key information in the DAL includes:

  • Trend Factor: The rates effective January 1, 2014 reflect application of a 0.0 percent roll factor adjustment and a 0.0 percent trend factor in accordance with past NYS budgets;
  • Worker Recruitment and Retention Adjustment: a three percent adjustment will be included in the 2014 rates for those agencies that returned the signed attestation;
  • Worker Recruitment, Training and Retention Adjustment: 4.70 percent adjustment will be added-on for those agencies that submitted the signed required attestation form;
  • Appeals:  An appeal by a provider whose rates have changed must be filled within 30 days of the receipt of the DAL;
  • 2013 Annual Cost Report: DOH expects to make available the 2013 cost report software on HCS around June 1, 2014. The cost report will be due by August 15, 2014.

Any questions about the calculations of the 2014 Medicaid rates should be directed to Charles Tobey or Tim Casey at (518) 473-4421.

Contact: Cheryl Udell, cudell@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871