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OMIG Shares Draft Home Health and Personal Care Audit Protocols


Home Care Members


Anne Hill, Community Services Policy Analyst


October 2, 2008


OMIG Shares Draft Home Health and Personal Care Audit Protocols


Administrators, CFO

ABSTRACT: OMIG shares draft home health and personal care audit protocols.

Medicaid Inspector General James Sheehan recently indicated that the Office of Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) expects to recover at least $260 million this year in Medicaid fraud.  In these difficult budget times, there is enormous pressure to save Medicaid dollars and make recoveries for fraudulent or inappropriate billing.

To help providers better understand the audit process, the OMIG shared information about draft Home Care Audit Protocols that guide audits of home care agencies currently underway. Please see the attached Power Point at the bottom of the screen to access this information.

NYAHSA encourages home care agencies to contact us regarding any OMIG audit concerns or experiences. If you have any questions about the audit process or the contents of the PowerPoint, you may contact me at ahill@nyahsa.org or 518-449-2707, ext. 141.


N:\NYAHSA\Policy\ahill\OMIG\Sept 29 Memo Audit Protocols.doc

OMIG Shares Draft Home Health and Personal Care Audit Protocols

Power Point of OMIG Audit Protocols
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OMIG Shares Draft Home Health and Personal Care Audit Protocols

PDF Version
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