Two Updates on the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program RFA
LeadingAge NY is notifying members again that the deadline for submitting an application for the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program Request for Application (RFA) has been extended from Fri., Sept. 16th to Wed., Sept. 28th at 4 p.m. When we submitted our questions to the Department of Health (DOH) on this RFA, we had requested an extension until the end of September to allow and to support a diverse pool of applicants and proposals. As reflected in question #7, DOH did not plan to extend the due date.
Now, DOH stated that the date was extended because of Addendum #3, which also explains a technical issue encountered when completing the Capital Budget in Grants Gateway.
In response to the extension, LeadingAge NY asked DOH about the possibility of re-submitting applications. DOH stated that any application that had already been submitted prior to notification of the deadline extension may re-open and re-submit their application by the new deadline of Sept. 28th and may make any edits that they deem necessary.
As we previously reported, DOH conducted an applicant webinar on the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program Request for Application (RFA) on Mon., Aug. 8th. The webinar was recorded and is available here. To access the webinar slides, click here. We had reported in an earlier member alert and Intelligence article that DOH and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) announced the availability of funds under this program, established pursuant to Section 2825-d of the Public Health Law.
As discussed in the grant announcement:
- A total of up to $195 million is available for health care providers that are deemed by the Commissioner of Health to fulfill or will fulfill a health care need for acute inpatient, outpatient, primary, home care or residential health care services in a community.
- A minimum of $30 million of this total amount is available for community-based health care providers, which are defined as diagnostic and treatment centers, mental health and alcohol and substance abuse treatment clinics, primary care providers and home care providers.
LeadingAge NY will keep members informed on any new developments.
Contact: Cheryl Udell,, 518-867-8871