MRT Affordable Housing Work Group Celebrates Successes and Explores Challenges
At its Oct. 15 meeting, the Medicaid Redsign Team (MRT) Affordable Housing Work Group reviewed the progress on the projects funded through this initiative. While there has been much success, there have also been some implementation challenges. There was much discussion regarding the health homes/supportive housing initiatives, and confusion regarding which entity is responsible for various aspects of care coordination. Health homes are finding it challenging to navigate the array of supportive housing options and rules, which differ depending on the funding stream, type of program and populations served. Some strategies to improve communication and education were explored. Members who have had experience with these issues are welcome to share any insights or ideas.
The Department of Health (DOH) reported that they are still working on the development of a Request for Applications (RFA) for grant funding to support affordable housing for seniors. LeadingAge New York worked diligently to ensure that some of the MRT funding, which currently is supporting more traditional supportive housing initiatives, be directed toward affordable senior housing.
Priorities for next year’s funding were discussed briefly, and members of the group identified the need for housing rental subsidies to support and ensure the viability of newly-funded projects, as well as existing accessible units that the city of New York has available.
Roger Bearden, Special Counsel to the Governor for Olmstead, discussed the Olmstead Implementation Plan, which LeadingAge New York summarizes here.
LeadingAge New York serves on this advisory group, which will meet again in December to further discuss budget priorities for the year ahead. We encourage members to consider how the state can invest funds to support housing for low-income seniors, in a way that will result in Medicaid savings. Let us know your thoughts and ideas.
Click here to access the meeting materials.
Contact: Diane Darbyshire,, 518-867-8828