Updates from DOH on New Platform for Data Collection, Master Plan for Aging, SNALR Regulations, and More
(Jan. 6, 2025) On Jan. 2nd, LeadingAge NY and other stakeholders met with the Department of Health (DOH) regarding a variety of updates affecting a broad range of members. Those topics not addressed elsewhere in Intelligence are summarized below.
LeadingAge NY Win: DOH to Adopt New Electronic Platform
We are pleased to report that DOH will soon be moving toward a new survey tool, Alchemer, to replace Drupal. Many members are familiar with Drupal, which the Department started using a few years ago as a data collection tool, particularly for nursing homes and adult care facilities (ACFs). LeadingAge NY has been very vocal about the limitations of the Drupal platform. We are pleased to report that Alchemer will allow users to save progress and come back to complete data input at another time – a key functionality that was not available in the Drupal platform. The Department reports that Alchemer will allow the preloading of provider-specific data as well. We are pleased that DOH heard our concerns, are hopeful that Alchemer will indeed be more user-friendly, and invite member feedback when it is unveiled.
COVID Levels in Nursing Homes and ACFs
DOH reports that, according to Health Electronic Response Data System (HERDS) reporting, DOH has not seen an increase in COVID levels in nursing homes and ACFs.
Capital Transformation Grants
LeadingAge NY inquired about the status of the Capital Transformation Grants, and the Department indicated that they did not have a status update, but suggested it may be a few more weeks.
DOH reports that the Master Plan for Aging (MPA) work is continuing, as staff work with state agency peers to develop a Final Report. The Advisory Report and Final Report will likely be released at the same time, and it is unclear when it will be released to the public. It was indicated that some MPA initiatives are underway, and some were advanced for the State of the State. It was recommended that the MPA keep a public record of the initiatives and their status.
MOLST Update
DOH is in the process of transferring the Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) website as well as the Compassion and Support website from Excellus to a DOH website. The Department is currently in the process of reviewing the information before posting the new site, and it is unclear at this time when this new DOH site will be active. Excellus will stop hosting the sites, however, on Jan. 17th. Members are encouraged to review the sites in advance of the 17th to access any desired material, as there will likely be a period of time when the Excellus-hosted sites are retired and the DOH site(s) are not yet deployed.
LeadingAge NY Win: ALP Residents One Step Closer to Accessing Hospice Services
Members may recall that LeadingAge NY and other stakeholders participated in a workgroup developed as a result of legislation we worked to pass that would enable Medicaid-eligible Assisted Living Program (ALP) residents to access hospice care. The workgroup was convened to make recommendations on the coordination and division of services, responsibilities, and reimbursement. Click here for more background. The group concluded its initial work in October 2023 and has been awaiting the submission of a State Plan Amendment (SPA) to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We are pleased to report that the SPA was submitted to CMS on Dec. 31, 2024. DOH is reconvening the aforementioned stakeholder group on Jan. 27th to discuss next steps. We will keep members apprised of developments on this longstanding advocacy issue.
SNALR Regulations and Memory Care Regulation Package
DOH reported that they are currently in the process of developing regulations regarding the Special Needs Assisted Living Residence (SNALR) Voucher program. Members may recall that this was an aspect of last year’s budget agreement, which made the program permanent and directed the development of regulations. LeadingAge NY urged the Department to include us and the stakeholders who were initially involved in the development of the SNALR Voucher program. DOH agreed to set up a meeting.
The Department also indicated that they are working on regulations for “memory care” and certification. LeadingAge NY inquired about the focus and impetus for this effort, and DOH indicated that we will get more information soon.
Adult Home Roster Submission
DOH indicated that they would be meeting with the associations mid-month to discuss the implementation of the new regulation requiring the quarterly submission of resident rosters. LeadingAge NY, together with other associations, outlined several concerns about this new regulation and has been awaiting a response from DOH regarding the concerns outlined in this letter.
Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828