Did it Take a Long Time to Get Your ACF, ALR or ALP License?
Anyone who has recently gone through the licensure and certification process for an Adult Care Facility (ACF), Assisted Living Residence (ALR) or Assisted Living Program (ALP) has experienced significant delays. Unfortunately, during these times of scarce resources, DOH is unlikely to get additional resources that would expedite the process. DOH has reached out to us to ask for our ideas about how the process can be streamlined, and we will be meeting in May.
So what do you think? Are there parts of the process that can be eliminated or consolidated? Are there approvals that can be done outside of DOH, as has been done with the Third Party Architectural Certification process? How can the process be improved so that DOH can move through the applications more quickly? Let me know what you think.
Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828