Balancing Incentive Program
In late March, the state received an award letter from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the Federal Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). This will provide states additional federal funding to implement structural changes that are believed to best facilitate rebalancing the percentage of individuals in need of long term supports and services in home and community-based settings, as opposed to institutional settings. In the revised application, New York can receive enhanced federal monies which equal two percent of FMAP or approximately $600 million for the period of 2013 – 2015 if the State makes the structural changes required. As stated in the application, “With the continued support and input of our vast network of stakeholders and state and local agencies, New York will implement the required structural changes under BIP, including creating a No Wrong Door/Single Entry Point system, a statewide core standardized assessment and a conflict-free case management system.” LeadingAge NY continues to have questions about how conflict-free case management can be achieved in a managed care environment and will keep members informed. As the state seeks to shift more services to home and community based settings, there may be opportunities for ACF and AL providers.