ACF Census Report and Changes at DOH
LeadingAge New York meets with the Department of Health (DOH) on a regular basis to discuss issues that are important to our Adult Care Facility (ACF) and assisted living members. Below is a summary of our most recent discussion.
Mary Hart Really is Retiring
After a long career with DOH and a prolonged period of planning to retire, Mary Hart actually is retiring from her position as Director of the Division of Assisted Living. Her last day is May 22. DOH is currently seeking her replacement, and will be accepting applications from within and outside of the department. We have enjoyed working with Mary and will miss her.
By the time of this writing, all EQUAL checks should have been sent out to those who applied. Let us know if you were anticipating a check, but did not receive one. Members are reminded of the new requirement that facilities submit the certification page to DOH attesting the funds were spent as intended, after the funds are spent. Survey staff will also verify upon survey that the funds were used for the intended purpose.
Statistical Report and Annual Census
DOH is working to get out the quarterly statistical report on the HCS soon. The report must be completed by all ACFs, however we are told that the process is brief for those who do not meet the threshold of a transitional adult home. Some members beta-tested the report and contributed to the improvement of it.
Moving forward, ACFs will have to complete the quarterly report three times a year, and then the annual report once a year. This year’s annual report is expected to be issued in the summer. The department is working to streamline the report and make it easier for providers to complete; we appreciate that DOH has taken our feedback and improved the process. Some members will be allowed to beta-test the annual census before it is issued, as well. We appreciate the collaborative nature of these efforts as it improves the report, reduces errors and the need for technical assistance.
DOH Plans to Expand the Use of Summary Surveys
The Capital District Regional Office is currently piloting the use of summary surveys for those facilities that meet certain criteria related to positive survey history. They are currently refining the process, but felt it was working well and are likely to do more statewide in the future. The summary survey is more abbreviated, using a random sampling of charts to look at different focus areas.
Assisted Living Program OFD
DOH is in the process of working to put together the next Opportunity for Development (OFD). There is no timeline yet about when it will be issued.
Is Your Emergency Plan up to Date?
Hurricane Season begins June 1. We encourage members to review your plans and provisions to ensure that, if an emergency were to occur, you are prepared.
Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs
The Justice Center is moving forward to become operational by July 1. The Justice Center will have oversight over all ACFs with 80 or more beds in which 25% or more of the census (as opposed to the facility’s capacity) are residents diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Those facilities that have 55% or more of their beds designated as an Assisted Living Program (ALP) are not included. The state has issued proposed regulations regarding the implementation of the Justice Center. Click here for more information. Public comment is due by May 7.
Once operational, abuse and neglect reporting goes directly to the Justice Center, it will be determined if DOH or the Justice Center will investigate the matter. The Justice Center will create a staff exclusion list, and only those under the Justice Center auspices will have access to the list. Covered organizations will have to assign someone the responsibility of checking the staff exclusion list before hiring. Further guidance will be issued soon. Click here to access the Justice Center website.
Guests and Private Hires on Daily Census
DOH advises that operators count guests or private hire aides staying overnight on your daily census for emergency purposes.
DOH clarified that a Registered Nurse (RN) working for a Licensed Home Care Services Agency (LCHSA) for an ALP can administer a PPD and read it under the supervision of a doctor, as long he or she is trained in the process. Training can be accessed through venues such as county health or a physician. Currently, there is a shortage of PPD. Click here to access the DOH directive regarding this public health issue.
If you have any questions about the contents of this memo, contact Diane Darbyshire at, or 518-867-8828.