DOH Accepting New Applications for SNALR Voucher Program
The Department of Health (DOH) provided the below update on the Special Needs Assisted Living Residence (SNALR) Voucher Program for Persons with Dementia via email on June 1, 2021. Click here for more information about the program.
Beginning June 1, 2021, new applications will again be accepted for consideration and enrollment into the program. Applications will be accepted only by email to Applications will no longer be accepted via mail. Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis using the program’s established eligibility criteria.
Due to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget of $7.6 million and based on the program’s current expenses, the Department expects that it will be able to issue vouchers to approximately 130 enrollees to maintain program budget integrity and guarantee payments for enrollees during the fiscal year. As of the date of this update, there are 100 participants enrolled in the program. Please see the Waitlist information below for more information.
Applications can be found here:
Based on the program budget and the average monthly voucher payment, the program will institute a waitlist procedure when there are 130 active participants in the program at one time. Applications will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt using existing program protocols. Only eligible applicants will be waitlisted. Eligible applicants will be notified that they are eligible and that they are being placed on a waitlist by email. Applicants not eligible for the program will be notified by email that they do not meet the criteria for the program.
The Department reserves the right to begin waitlist procedures before 130 individuals are enrolled at any one time based on budgetary projections. The institution of the waitlist protocol will be communicated via email to all participating facilities and on the program’s website at
Enrolling Applicants from the Waitlist
Waitlisted applicants will be removed from the waitlist and added to the program as vouchers become available, so far as the addition fits under budgetary restrictions, in the order that they were waitlisted. Applications will be considered on first come, first served basis.
Prior to enrolling a waitlisted applicant, the Department will confirm the applicant’s information remains accurate, and provide information on the start date of voucher payments and the amount of the payment.
Any questions regarding the SNALR Voucher program should be directed to DOH at
Contact: Diane Darbyshire,, 518-867-8828