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Nominate Your Stars for a LeadingAge NY Annual Award or Employee of Distinction Award Now

(Jan. 29, 2025) Nomination forms for LeadingAge NY’s annual and Employee of Distinction awards are available now on the LeadingAge NY website at leadingageny.org under Members, or you can CLICK HERE to access the forms directly.

Do you have someone who is exemplary in the field? Nominate them for the Lawrence E. Larson Memorial Award of Honor or the James W. Sanderson Memorial Award for Leadership.

Do you have an up-and-coming new Administrator? They should be in the running for the Thomas Clarke Memorial Award.

Do you have director-level professionals to nominate in the Professional of the Year category?

What about someone who excels in their advocacy work for your organization? The Carl S. Young Advocacy Award is the choice.

Take a minute and recognize your outstanding Board Trustees by nominating them for the Trustee of the Year Award.

Are you doing something that is innovative in the field? Be sure to nominate your organization for an Innovation of the Year Award.

Finally, your direct care and service staff are the lifeblood of your organization. Recognize them by nominating them for an Employee of Distinction Award.

The deadline for submissions is Feb. 19, 2025. Don’t wait; nominate now!