Deadline for IGNITE Leadership Academy Applications Extended to Fri., June 14th

(April 16, 2024) LeadingAge NY is pleased to share the application for our 2024-25 IGNITE Leadership Academy class. IGNITE is a year-long professional development program designed to facilitate the development and growth of senior living leaders in the state. The experience provides participants with the tools they will need to be outstanding leaders in their organizations. It differs from an MBA-type program in that its focus is on teaching participants how their own thinking and values are key components to developing their own qualities of leadership. In addition, they acquire the tools to help them work with teams, build successful teams, and collaborate.
The program was established in 2013 and is modeled after the national LeadingAge Larry Minnix Leadership Academy. Graduates of the national program recognized that this valuable program was needed on the state level to inspire, nurture, and empower leaders from NY’s non-profit provider community. Only employees of LeadingAge NY provider member organizations may apply for the program.
The deadline for applications for the 2024-25 class has been extended to June 14th. For more information about the program, click here. Anyone with questions about IGNITE can contact Nancy Caban at or Diane Darbyshire at Both can be reached at 518-867-8383.