Legislative Bulletin: The Final Hours of the 2023 Legislative Session
June 9, 2023
The Final Hours of the 2023 Legislative Session
While the 2023 Legislative Session was scheduled to conclude yesterday, on June 8th, the Legislature’s work continues. Both the Assembly and Senate worked on various pieces of legislation until approximately 2 a.m. this morning, and both houses are planning to continue their work today. The Assembly had planned to gavel in at 9:30 a.m. today, and the Senate at 11 a.m.
As of this writing in the late morning of June 9th, the Assembly has just begun their work and the Senate Minority and Majority are conferencing on the bills the chamber plans to take up today. Given all of this, it is more than likely it will be another late night for state legislators in Albany.
Several issues are keeping legislators in Albany passed the scheduled conclusion, including the Clean Slate Bill - which has passed the Senate but not yet the Assembly - and debates over housing policy.
LeadingAge New York will be closely monitoring all activity during these final hours of session, advocating for bills that we support, and defensively watching for bills we oppose that could advance at the last moment. Next Friday, we will provide the final Legislative Bulletin for the 2023 Legislative Session, as we expect all activity to conclude by tonight or early tomorrow morning.
LeadingAge New York intends to publish a comprehensive 2023 Legislative Bill Summary, reviewing all priority legislation that was tracked and where those bills land, no later than June 16th. In the meantime, and as we await the final actions of the Legislature, members can review priority legislation and its current status in the section of this bulletin titled, “End of Session Priority Bill Status Update”.
ACTION ALERT: Urge Legislature to Pass Bill to Extend Nurse Licensure Flexibilities!
Yesterday, Governor Hochul extended Executive Order (E.O.) 4 providing workforce shortage flexibilities another two weeks, until June 22nd. A copy of the latest Executive Order 4.22 is available here.
However, LeadingAge New York expects this to be the final extension of the E.O., and the Governor is leaving it to the Legislature to extend the workforce flexibilities that they find to be crucial to the operations of the State’s health care services.
With that, LeadingAge New York has been advocating in support of A.6697-B (Fahy)/S.7492-B (Stavisky), a bill which would allow nurses from other states to apply for a temporary authorization with the State Department of Education to continue their work in New York and enable providers to continue to employ these critical staff.
Please CLICK HERE to contact state legislators in support of an extension of nurse licensure flexibilities!
Action alerts for additional pieces of priority legislation can be found on our Advocacy Action Items website here.
End of Session Priority Bill Status Update
As the Legislature continues its work today, past the scheduled conclusion of session, LeadingAge New York continues our advocacy for and against several pieces of legislation that are of upmost importance to our not-for-profit and public aging services membership. Below, members can find a brief review of the current status of priority bills.
The following bills have recently passed both houses and will be delivered to the Governor for action:
- Office of Hospice & Palliative Care - A.5587 (Wallace)/S.4858 (Hinchey) – Memo of Support
- Reimbursement Rates for Managed Care Providers - A.5381 (Paulin)/S.6075 (Skoufis) – Support
- NORC Supportive Services Program - A.5915(Kim)/S.3392 (May) & A.5520 (Kim)/S.5907 (Cleare) – Support
- Housing Emergency Evacuation Plans - A.6291-A (Burdick)/S.264-A (Stewart-Cousins) - Memo of Opposition
- Wrongful Death – A.6698 (Weinstein)/S.6636 (Hoylman) - Memo of Opposition
- Changes to Nursing Home Direct Care Spending - A.7328 (Paulin)/S.6897 (Rivera) – Neutral
- Home Care Data Transparency - A.1926 (Gonzalez-Rojas)/S.1683 (Hinchey) – No Position
The following bills have been passed by one house:
- Office of Medicaid Inspector General Audit & Review – A.6813 (Paulin)/S.5329 (Harckham) - Memo of Support
- Passed Senate; Currently in Assembly Ways and Means
- Quality Incentive for Managed Care Providers - A.6021-A (Paulin)/S.3146-A (Mannion) – Memo of Support
- Passed Assembly; Currently on Senate Active List
- New Nursing Home Survey Posting Requirements – A.2188 (Dinowitz) / S.3498 (Sanders) - Memo of Opposition
- Passed Assembly; Currently in Senate Health
The following bills were introduced and advanced, but have not passed either house:
- Nursing Home Rebasing – A.5905-A (Woerner)/S.6914 (Rivera) - Memo of Support
- Assisted Living Program (ALP) Rebasing – A.7553 (Paulin)/S.7248 (Cooney) - Memo of Support
- The Role of the Nurse in Adult Care Facilities (ACFs) – A.5670 (Solages)/S.5471 (Rivera) - Memo of Support
- Continuation of Inter-State Nurse Licensure Flexibilities – A.6697-B (Fahy)/S.7492-B (Stavisky) - Memo of Support
- Implementation of Federal Conflict of Interest Rule – A.6221 (Paulin)/S.6960 (Rivera) - Memo of Support
- MLTC Performance Standards – A.7554 (Paulin)/S.7293 (Ryan) - Memo of Support
- CCRC ‘Revitalization’ – A.7742 (Paulin)/S.7483 (Cleare) - Memo of Support
- Restrictions on Psychotropic Medications in Nursing Homes and ACFs – A.7467 (Paulin)/S.466 (Sepulveda) - Memo of Opposition
- Increase in Nursing Home & LTC Provider Penalties – A.5372 (Paulin)/S.6071 (Cleare) - Memo of Opposition
- Increase in Penalties for ACFs – A.5485 (Paulin)/S.5472 (Rivera) - Memo of Opposition
- Training for Patient Transporters – A.5848-B (Paulin)/S.3344-B (Skoufis) - Memo of Opposition
- Nursing Home Closure Requirements – A.3703 (Epstein)/S.2984 (Kavanagh) - Memo of Opposition
Please reach out to Sarah Daly (sdaly@leadingageny.org) with any questions on the status or work being done on LeadingAge NY priority legislation.
New York State Master Plan on Aging Work Underway
In late 2022, Governor Hochul promulgated Executive Order (EO) 23, establishing the New York State Master Plan for Aging. The Plan requirement was established in statute in the 2022-23 State Budget. The EO telegraphed the many issues the Master Plan will address, which include many of LeadingAge NY's top advocacy priorities. Since then, much work has taken place to build a successful Master Plan for Aging in New York. This work has included receiving input from stakeholders, establishing a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, setting up targeted subcommittees, and more. The work is being led by the Department of Health (DOH) and State Office for the Aging (SOFA).
LeadingAge New York is participating heavily in the Master Plan for Aging (MPA) work, with areas of involvement focusing on Workforce (Formal Caregiving), Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS); Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS); and Housing, Community Development, and Transportation. In April, LeadingAge NY staff Karen Lipson, Diane Darbyshire, Meg Carr Everett, and Annalyse K. Denio submitted comments to help work toward the establishment of subcommittees and workgroups, identifying additional areas of focus that should be included in the framing of a successful MPA.
In May, the State officially convened eight subcommittees to provide input into its MPA. The subcommittees have been divided into work groups which will develop recommendations that will be presented to the Stakeholder Advisory Committee and the State Agency Council. The State envisions the MPA as both a blueprint and a call to action for healthy aging and long term care services. A preliminary report is planned for July 2023 and a final report by early 2024. The final MPA is scheduled for adoption in 2024.
The eight subcommittees are:
- Long-Term Services and Supports
- Home and Community-Based Services
- Formal Caregiving
- Informal Caregiving
- Health and Wellness
- Housing, Community Development, and Transportation
- Economic Security
- Safety, Security, and Technology
These subcommittees are expected to meet monthly, and the workgroups weekly, until July when a preliminary report is due. Discussions around workforce, financing, consumer choice and access, and consumer challenges in navigating systems will cut across all work groups. More information about the MPA is available here and on LeadingAge NY’s MPA website here. Members may sign up for the MPA mailing list here to receive updates or leave a comment for the State team.
Finally, LeadingAge NY membership is encouraged to join us in our work with the MPA. Members interested in getting more involved in MPA subcommittees and workgroups may reach out to Annalyse K. Denio at akomoroskedenio@leadingageny.org.
Deadline Extended: Applications for IGNITE Leadership Academy Now Due June 23rd
Good News! The deadline for applications for the LeadingAge NY IGNITE Leadership Academy has been extended to June 23rd! LeadingAge New York is thrilled to resume this leadership development program in person for the 2023-24 year! During these challenging times, leaders need more support and resources than ever before. The program has been universally popular and beneficial for staff in all departments who show leadership potential. Please feel free to apply yourselves or nominate members of your teams.
IGNITE is a year-long professional development program designed to facilitate the development and growth of senior living leaders in the state. The experience provides participants with the tools they will need to be outstanding leaders in their organizations. It differs from an MBA-type program in that its focus is on teaching participants how their own thinking and values are key components to developing their own qualities of leadership. In addition, they acquire the tools to help them work with teams, build successful teams, and collaborate.
The program was established in 2013 and is modeled after the National LeadingAge Larry Minnix Leadership Academy. Graduates of the national program recognized that this valuable program was needed on the state level to inspire, nurture, and empower leaders from New York’s non-profit and public provider community. Only members of LeadingAge New York provider member organizations may apply for the program.
The application for the 2023-2024 class is now due on June 23rd. For more information about the program, click here. Anyone with questions about IGNITE can contact Nancy Caban at ncaban@leadingageny.org, or Diane Darbyshire at ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org. Both can be reached at 518-867-8383.
LeadingAge & LeadingAge New York Coronavirus Resources
LeadingAge NY continues to closely follow all COVID-19 news and we are doing our best to keep members informed of updates, recommendations and guidelines from the Department of Health (DOH).
LeadingAge NY and LeadingAge National Member resources are linked below.
LeadingAge NY Coronavirus Resources
LeadingAge NY COVID-19 Weekly Update calls – Mondays at 11 a.m. Click here to join the call from your computer, android or apple device. Or you can join the call by dialing in: 877 853 5257 (Toll Free); Webinar ID: 852 964 255.
LeadingAge National Coronavirus Policy Updates – Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. Past call recordings are available here and you can register here for future calls.
Contact: Sarah Daly; 518.867.8845; sdaly@leadingageny.org