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2024 Nursing Home Budget Request

LeadingAge NY is urging NYS to reform and rationalize the nursing home Medicaid reimbursement methodology in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-25 budget, to ensure that Medicaid payments keep pace with rising costs and ensure access to quality care for those who need it. 


  • On average, NYS's nursing home Medicaid rates cover only 75 percent of the cost of care.
  • There is a $1.6 billion Medicaid funding gap for the nursing home care provided in NYS.
  • The foundation of NYS's nursing home Medicaid reimbursement is based on 2007 costs. 
  • NYS's nursing home Medicaid reimbursement is among the worst in the country, according to an independent federal MACPAC report.
  • Inadequate Medicaid reimbursement significantly hinders provider ability to compete for, hire, and retain staff. 
  • Lack of staff directly impacts access to skilled nursing services for those who need them. 


  • NYS must reform and rationalize nursing home reimbursement by updating the methodology to reflect a more current cost year.
  • This can be accomplished by "rebasing" nursing home Medicaid rates. Click here to learn more about rebasing.