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Support Streamlining Medical Evaluations in ALPs!

Support A.10244 (Paulin)/S.9598 (Rivera)

LeadingAge New York strongly supports this legislation, which would authorize physicians, physician assistants (PAs), and nurse practitioners (NPs) to approve and sign assisted living program (ALP) medical evaluations. To determine whether an assisted living facility can meet an individual’s health and safety needs, a medical evaluation is performed by a healthcare professional. For other assisted living residences and adult care facilities, this medical evaluation can already be performed and signed by physicians, PAs and NPs. However, ALPs have not been afforded this flexibility.

For low-income older adults in need of ALP services, not being able to complete their medical evaluation with a community healthcare professional of choice– which is often a PA or NP - can cause delays and barriers in securing the services they need. Healthcare systems are increasingly relying on physician extenders to meet the needs of the community, both in primary care and acute care. Expanding the type of healthcare providers who can sign ALP medical evaluations will greatly improve access to essential ALP services for older adults.

Please join us in supporting A.10244 (Paulin)/S.9598 (Rivera), and urge the legislature to streamline ALP medical evaluations!

Enter your information below to contact your state legislators and the Governor in support of A.10244 (Paulin)/S.9598 (Rivera)! You can also access LeadingAge NY’s memo in support here.


Support Streamlining Medical Evaluations in ALPs!

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Support Streamlining Medical Evaluations in ALPs!

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Support Streamlining Medical Evaluations in ALPs!

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