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Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Independent senior housing providers are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is a previously unidentified virus, which means care providers of all types are learning about it in real time. Public health officials have identified people over 65 as high risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. Difficulties such as PPE, testing shortages and working with a particularly vulnerable population are significant challenges in a health crisis unlike any we’ve seen before.

Our lawmakers must remember the needs of non-profit independent senior housing providers and the unique challenges of the pandemic as they continue their legislative work.

Enter your information below to send a letter to lawmakers, urging them to protect and support not-for-profit senior housing providers as they manage the spread of coronavirus!



Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

2024-25 State Budget Materials

View the 2024-25 State Budget materials here.

7 months ago

Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Public Affairs Council

View resources and updates from LeadingAge New York's new Public Affairs Council here.

1 year ago
Legislative Action Center

Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Legislative Action Center

View LeadingAge New York's advocacy materials and connect with your lawmakers.

2024 Advocacy Day

Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

2024 Advocacy Day

While our 2024 Advocacy Day has come and gone, members are encouraged to continue their advocacy by speaking with legislators and sharing our budget issue briefs!

9 months ago
Legislative Bulletin

Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Legislative Bulletin

Did you miss an issue of the Legislative Bulletin? Current and past issues are posted here.

Advocacy and Public Policy News

Support Senior Housing Providers on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Advocacy and Public Policy News

Keep up to date on the latest budgetary, legislative, and political developments in New York State.