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Nursing Home MDS Rosters Due Sept. 29th

Nursing home members who have not yet uploaded their July 26, 2017 "picture date" census roster to the Health Commerce System (HCS) should do so without delay. The submission will be the basis of the case mix calculation used in Jan. 1, 2018 Medicaid rates. Department of Health (DOH) staff is focused on expediting the various pieces of the rate setting process to ensure that rates are updated as quickly as possible and has stressed that they intend to move forward with rate updates for those homes whose census submissions are complete by Sept. 29th. Homes that fail to submit or certify their roster by the Sept. 29th deadline, as well as homes that require DOH intervention to assist in matching MDS assessments to residents listed on the roster, risk having their rate updates delayed or receiving a default case mix index (CMI). As of Sept. 25th, DOH reported that roughly 150 homes still needed to upload or finalize their submissions.

Please note that, as specified in the Dear Administrator Letter announcing the roster submission window, providers must submit the associated certification by email to primail@health.ny.gov rather than using ground mail as previously required. Please let us know and/or email primail@health.ny.gov if you have questions or encounter any difficulties with the process.

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841