LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
UST Live: Developing a Sustainable Strategy for 2021 Thursday, October 15th 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PST) - 4 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
COVID-19 Nonprofit Workforce Trends Report Are you curious how COVID-19 has impacted 501(c)(3) nonprofit employers nationwide? UST decided to uncover key insights on how the Coronavirus has affected nonprofit organizations, their employees and operational strategies.
- 4 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
ENERGYNEXT PRESENTS: Energy AllianceSM - EnergyNext has developed the Energy Alliance initiative and has rolled out successful programs for over 13associations throughout Upstate New York.
- 5 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
Healthcare Business Analytics Mgmt LLC Endorsed by LeadingAge New York Services LeadingAge New York Services has partnered with the industry-recognized experts at Healthcare Business Analytics Mgmt, a subsidiary of Freed Maxick CPA.
- 7 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
Telecommuting Strategies (Post COVID-19) Four Live Webinar Dates Available Telecommuting recently became the new norm for many nonprofits due to the Coronavirus pandemic and there are now more employees working from home than ever before. As we look to the future, it's important that nonprofit leaders consider how a permanent home-based work option can yield positive outcomes for both employers and their dedicated staff.
- 4 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
ACTION ALERT HELP SELF-INSURING NONPROFITS SURVIVE THE MASSIVE INCREASE IN UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT FILINGS Many nonprofits self-insure unemployment benefits, under which they must reimburse the state dollar-for-dollar when a former or laid-off employee files for benefits. This is a sensible, cost-saving approach for the nonprofit and is intended for the individual instances when employees separate from their organizations. We are in a situation unlike any we have known and many nonprofits that self-insure these benefits will go under if they do not receive help from the Federal government.
Go to the : https://www2.chooseust.org/help-self-insuring-nonprofits
- 5 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
Combat Rising Insurance Costs Through SeniorCare Program Insurance costs for senior living and health care facilities are on the rise, in many cases dramatically.
- 5 years ago
LeadingAge New York Services, Inc.
Workers Compensation Pricing Healthcare facilities can minimize the cost of their Workers’ Compensation coverage through aggressive risk management protocols and creative risk financing plans.
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