Person-Centered Planning Checklist
- Insert “person-centered” into care plan documents and policies
- Must be driven by individual
- Includes people chosen by registrant
- Provides necessary information and support so that registrant directs the process and is enabled to make informed choices and decisions
- Is timely and occurs at times and locations convenient to registrant (and family)
- Written in plain language and in manner accessible to people with disabilities or persons with limited English
- Must include a strategy for solving conflict or disagreement
- Offers choice to individual regarding services and supports and from whom
- Includes a method for the individual to request updates to the plan, as needed
- Records alternative HCBS settings that were considered
- Must reflect the services and supports that are important for the individual (based on the assessment) and services and supports important TO the individual
- Must reflect that the setting resides was chosen by the individual?
- Reflect registrant strengths and preferences
- Reflect clinical and support needs as identified through UAS
- Include identified goals and outcomes
- Reflect services and supports (paid and unpaid) that will assist individual to achieve identified goals
- Risk factors and measures in place to minimize them
- Must be understandable to the individual and individuals important in supporting him/her. Must be written in plain language and accessible to people with disabilities
- Identify person responsible for monitoring the plan
- Be finalized and agreed to, with the informed consent of the individual in writing, and signed by all individuals and providers responsible for implementation
- Distribute to the registrant and other people involved in the plan
- Include the services the registrant elects to self-direct
- Prevent unnecessary or inappropriate services and supports