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Call for Candidates for 2020 Board Of Directors

Call for Candidates for 2020 Board Of Directors

On behalf of Jeraldine Fedoriw, immediate past-chair of the Adult Day Health Care Council, please see the memo regarding the nomination of candidates for the 2020 ADHCC board of directors.

The Adult Day Health Care Council’s (ADHCC) election of officers for the 2020 term is fast approaching. The current term of officers for the sitting Executive Committee and Regional Representatives expires at the end of 2019. The ADHCC by-laws require that the Executive Committee shall be elected by the full membership and Regional Representatives shall be elected each year by their regional membership. In order to allow adequate time for nominations, review of candidates and presentation of candidates to the membership, we will accept nominations through Friday, November 29, 2019, for the following positions:

Chairperson Elect
Regional Representative – Regions 1-8


Information on the candidates and a ballot will be sent to you via email once the information is reviewed and compiled. If you have any questions about the offices or the election procedures, please contact Anne Hill at ahill@leadingageny.org or call 518-867-8836.