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  6. » Nursing Homes Advised to Download MDS Census Software and Submit Rosters

Nursing Homes Advised to Download MDS Census Software and Submit Rosters

Nursing homes will need to submit their Jan. 29, 2014 MDS census rosters using the Health Commerce System (HCS) during the period starting March 31 and ending on April 18, 2014.  These rosters will be the basis for case mix adjustments to Medicaid rates effective July through December 2014.  In preparation for the upload, please make sure that the individual responsible for uploading the census data has HCS access and that your facility has downloaded the corrected and updated version of the MDS Census Software.  The Department of Health (DOH) sent the message below to nursing homes on March 21, containing instructions on downloading both the submission and formatting software:  

  • Please be advised that the issues with the MDS Census Software have been corrected and the updated version, dated 3/19/2014, is now on the MDS for NH Reimbursement page. Please download the new software and begin using with the January 2014 Census Roster upload.
  • As a reminder, the JANUARY 2014 upload period will run from March 31, 2014 through April 18, 2014. Please be sure to have your data uploaded during this time period. The database will be frozen using data received from CMS dated March 21, 2014. Please have all data in and accepted by CMS prior to this date.
  • All MDS CENSUS DATA must be submitted using the HCS. It is especially important to keep the list of the facility’s HCS coordinator and users current to avoid delays in submitting MDS CENSUS DATA. Remember that sharing user accounts is a breach of the security agreement signed by each HCS user. The MDS CENSUS DATA being submitted must be formatted using the DOHMDS for HPN software, a current version of which is always available for download on the HCS.  

Resident Assessment Unit
Bureau Of Long Term Care Reimbursement
One Commerce Plaza - Room 1405
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Phone: 518-474-1057
FAX:     518-402-5392

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841