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Important Dates for Home Care

2015 Medicaid Cost Reports

Report Type

Due Date

Contact Information

LTHHCP Cost Report

Aug. 15, 2016

DOH – Russ Smith – 518-473-4421

Personal Care Cost Report

Sept. 15, 2016

DOH – Kathy Omecinsky, same number as above

CHHA Cost Report

Sept. 15, 2016

DOH – Charles Tobey – same number as above

August 10th – Questions regarding the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program (RFA #1607010255) are due by Wednesday, Aug. 10th. They may be emailed to healthcarefacilitytransformation@health.ny.gov.

August 12th Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) survey – LeadingAge NY and other home care providers have worked with the Department of Health (DOH) on the new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) survey. We asked for an extension for submitting questions because the link to the survey was inoperable. The new date for submitting questions is Aug. 12th. The questions can be submitted to NY.FLSA@mercer.com. An FAQ document and related responses will be posted by Aug. 19th.

August 24th – DOH conducted a webinar on the transition of the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Medicaid Waiver plan into managed care. This follows the release of a “draft” NHTD/TBI transition plan that we had reported on earlier in the month. DOH has requested that comments on the transition plan be submitted before Aug. 24th. Your comments can be submitted electronically to waivertransition@health.ny.gov.

Sept 9th- DOH issued its revised Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule Statewide Transition Plan for public comment on the Medicaid Redesign Team website. This is New York’s plan regarding how it will transition into compliance with the federal HCBS rule by March of 2019. The plan can be found here. DOH will be accepting public comment on the plan, and recently pushed the deadline for comments to the close of business on Sept 9th. Members are encouraged to consider providing comment; please share any thoughts you would like LeadingAge New York to incorporate. Click here for more information. 

Contact: Cheryl Udell, cudell@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871