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Annual Conference & Exposition
Annual Conference & Exposition

Register Now! May 19 - 21, 2025, The Saratoga Hilton & Saratoga Springs City Center, Saratoga Springs

8 days ago


LeadingAge NY Summary of One-House Budget Bills

LeadingAge NY provides a high-level summary of one-house bills, each of which contains investments and actions that respond to many LeadingAge NY priorities.

16 days ago


Federal Budget Reconciliation Process Poses Threat to Medicaid Funding

LeadingAge National is urging members to take action, as federal budget reconciliation takes aim at Medicaid and other sources of funding that support services for older adults.

1 month ago


Meeting Long-Term Care Needs Is Essential for New York's Families

The needs of older adults and their caregivers must be a priority in the state budget, urged LeadingAge NY President and CEO Sebrina Barrett at a joint legislative hearing on health and Medicaid today.

1 month ago


LeadingAge NY Comprehensive Summary of 2025-26 Executive Budget Proposal

LeadingAge NY provides a summary of the health, Medicaid, and housing proposals advanced by the Governor that may impact members.


LeadingAge NY Meets with DOH and Other Stakeholders

DOH provides updates including upcoming call on TB testing, education on hospice, PACE regulations, and more.

1 day ago


REGISTER TODAY: 2025 LeadingAge NY Affordable Housing Summit

Join affordable senior housing providers from across the state on May 5th-6th at Drumlins in Syracuse to get expert insights into supporting the older adults in your communities and the latest news on how federal reforms will impact your ability to serve your residents.

1 day ago


Letter of Intent Deadline Approaches for Alzheimer's Association Center for Dementia Respite Innovation Grants

Applications are due April 25, 2025.

1 day ago


Join the Hands Off Housing Rally This Fri., March 21st at NYC Hall

Tell DOGE to stop its attempts to gut HUD and roll back critical housing protections, which will inevitably worsen the housing and homelessness crises for older adults and all New Yorkers.

1 day ago


Update on One-House Budgets for ACF and Assisted Living Members

LeadingAge NY priorities for ACF and assisted living members are reflected in one-house budget bills.

1 day ago


CMS GUIDE Models Delivering Dementia Care and Support in NY

Learn more about the models near you.

1 day ago


Nursing Home Reimbursement Update

Status update on outstanding nursing home funding issues as State fiscal year comes to a close.

1 day ago


NHTD/TBI Program Notifies Providers of Upcoming System/Billing Changes

The tentative effective date for the changeover is July 1, 2025.

1 day ago
  • view more


For over 20 years, Leading Age NY ProCareSM has provided a wide range of high-quality and state-of-the-art clinical, administrative and financial consulting services to member and non-member nursing homes and other aging services providers.

Take Action more

  • Urge Congress to Protect Medicaid in 2025!

    Congress is preparing to pass a budget resolution to move forward on tax and spending priorities. Members are encouraged to write to your members of Congress to urge them not to include Medicaid cuts or harmful changes as part of budget reconciliation or other legislation.

  • Urge State Legislators to Fund Resident Assistants in Affordable Senior Housing!

    LeadingAge NY strongly urges members to send our digital advocacy letters to legislators TODAY, asking them to fund Resident Assistants in affordable senior housing. Share these new grassroots advocacy flyers with staff and residents!

  • Urge Governor Hochul to Eliminate the Daily HERDS Survey!

    Nursing homes and ACFs have been completing the daily HERDS survey for over four years. LeadingAge NY thanks members for their advocacy thus far and encourages members to send an email to the Governor urging the elimination of this burdensome requirement.

LeadingAge is an association of 5,600 not-for-profit organizations dedicated to expanding the world of possibilities for aging. Together, we advance policies, promote practices and conduct research that supports, enables and empowers people to live fully as they age.